N° article fournisseur: 500
Dans la lignée de l'AquaBug, les nouvelles familles de nettoyeurs de piscines hors-sol Hayward sont conçues pour nettoyer le fond de toutes les tailles et formes de piscines hors-sol ou creusées - automatiquement. Ces jolies petites créatures fonctionnent à partir du système de filtration existant de la piscine et sont dotées de notre programme exclusif SmartDrive® qui les dirige pour qu'elles ne manquent aucun endroit.
Dans la lignée de l'AquaBug, les nouvelles familles de nettoyeurs de piscines hors-sol Hayward sont conçues pour nettoyer le fond de toutes les tailles et formes de piscines hors-sol ou creusées - automatiquement. Ces jolies petites créatures fonctionnent à partir du système de filtration existant de la piscine et sont dotées de notre programme exclusif SmartDrive® qui les dirige pour qu'elles ne manquent aucun endroit.
REMARQUE : Ce nettoyant ne doit pas être utilisé sur les piscines hors sol à parois souples.
Garantie du produit : 1 an de garantie du fabricant.
Couverture de la garantie : Les nettoyeurs de piscines Hayward bénéficient d'une garantie limitée d'un an du fabricant. Le fabricant garantit ce nettoyeur contre les défauts de fabrication et de matériaux. Cette garantie sera annulée si l'équipement utilisé pour faire fonctionner ce nettoyeur n'est pas compatible. La garantie ne couvre pas le coût de l'eau ou des produits chimiques perdus, ou tout autre dommage qui pourrait survenir.
Introduire une demande de réclamtion :Pour entamer une réclamation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected] avec une photo montrant le(s) défaut(s)/dommage(s) de votre nettoyeur de piscine Hayward et inclure une brève explication de ce qui s'est passé.
I wish I had bought this product a few years ago! It is amazing my pool has never looked so clean, it even picked up the leaves… It used to take me at least two hours to vacuum my 27' above ground pool...it was so easy to put together,started it up and walked away periodically I would check it but it was fine, and I was able to do other things while it cleaned my pool. Best product ever! And the service from the company is great, I will continue to purchase products from them, you won't be disappointed.
I have been using this product for a week now and am totally impressed!
Love ladybugs! love this cleaner! It's adorable and the kids love to watch it clean :)
The Aquabug is a good cleaner for a reasonable price.
I have a 24 foot round above ground pool with a 52' inch depth. The bottom is not perfectly smooth (some wrinkles and divets), but the product does a great job in about 2 to 3 hours. I plan on running it every couple of days to clean and stir up the water at the bottom of the pool.
This is a cool little vac. It hooks up to your filter intake or skimmer, and vacuums straight to your filter - not a bag with holes that doesn't catch fine particles. We use ours in a 24' above ground pool made by Intex. Yes, one of those temporary pools. It would work in any above ground pool! The most important thing to have is a good filter system. The filter supplied by Intex is not very good. This vac works best with a sand filter. We have a Hayward Pro Series system with a 1.5 hp Power Flo Maxtrix pump. The combination of this filter system and vacuum has saved my summers. I spent the first year with this pool spraying out the filter and hand/pole vacuuming only to see the finer particles come back into the pool through the return. It took all the pleasure out of having a pool! Now, I hook up my vac (3 min), turn on the filter system (1 sec), and walk away - it's awsome!!! This little vacuum even handled our pool opening this year, which included a large number of leaves and a ton of very fine particles. Unlike the super expensive Pool Rover, this vacuum does not move systematically around the pool to clean in a specific period of time. It moves in ever-widening circles, then goes straight for a bit and starts circling again. It can be a little vexing to see it turn just before it gets to something that you want it to vacuum up, but if you give it time, it will get everything. We put ours in and let in run for about an hour, when we come back the pool looks great! Aqua Bug, Wanda the Whale, and Diver Dave are all the same vacuum with different housings.
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Prévoir 2 à 3 jours ouvrables. Pour les régions éloignées, prévoir un délai supplémentaire.
Dans la lignée de l'AquaBug, les nouvelles familles de nettoyeurs de piscines hors-sol Hayward sont conçues pour nettoyer le fond de toutes les tailles et formes de piscines hors-sol ou creusées - automatiquement. Ces jolies petites créatures fonctionnent à partir du système de filtration existant de la piscine et sont dotées de notre programme exclusif SmartDrive® qui les dirige pour qu'elles ne manquent aucun endroit.
Dans la lignée de l'AquaBug, les nouvelles familles de nettoyeurs de piscines hors-sol Hayward sont conçues pour nettoyer le fond de toutes les tailles et formes de piscines hors-sol ou creusées - automatiquement. Ces jolies petites créatures fonctionnent à partir du système de filtration existant de la piscine et sont dotées de notre programme exclusif SmartDrive® qui les dirige pour qu'elles ne manquent aucun endroit.
REMARQUE : Ce nettoyant ne doit pas être utilisé sur les piscines hors sol à parois souples.
Garantie du produit : 1 an de garantie du fabricant.
Couverture de la garantie : Les nettoyeurs de piscines Hayward bénéficient d'une garantie limitée d'un an du fabricant. Le fabricant garantit ce nettoyeur contre les défauts de fabrication et de matériaux. Cette garantie sera annulée si l'équipement utilisé pour faire fonctionner ce nettoyeur n'est pas compatible. La garantie ne couvre pas le coût de l'eau ou des produits chimiques perdus, ou tout autre dommage qui pourrait survenir.
Introduire une demande de réclamtion :Pour entamer une réclamation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected] avec une photo montrant le(s) défaut(s)/dommage(s) de votre nettoyeur de piscine Hayward et inclure une brève explication de ce qui s'est passé.
I wish I had bought this product a few years ago! It is amazing my pool has never looked so clean, it even picked up the leaves… It used to take me at least two hours to vacuum my 27' above ground pool...it was so easy to put together,started it up and walked away periodically I would check it but it was fine, and I was able to do other things while it cleaned my pool. Best product ever! And the service from the company is great, I will continue to purchase products from them, you won't be disappointed.
I have been using this product for a week now and am totally impressed!
Love ladybugs! love this cleaner! It's adorable and the kids love to watch it clean :)
The Aquabug is a good cleaner for a reasonable price.
I have a 24 foot round above ground pool with a 52' inch depth. The bottom is not perfectly smooth (some wrinkles and divets), but the product does a great job in about 2 to 3 hours. I plan on running it every couple of days to clean and stir up the water at the bottom of the pool.
This is a cool little vac. It hooks up to your filter intake or skimmer, and vacuums straight to your filter - not a bag with holes that doesn't catch fine particles. We use ours in a 24' above ground pool made by Intex. Yes, one of those temporary pools. It would work in any above ground pool! The most important thing to have is a good filter system. The filter supplied by Intex is not very good. This vac works best with a sand filter. We have a Hayward Pro Series system with a 1.5 hp Power Flo Maxtrix pump. The combination of this filter system and vacuum has saved my summers. I spent the first year with this pool spraying out the filter and hand/pole vacuuming only to see the finer particles come back into the pool through the return. It took all the pleasure out of having a pool! Now, I hook up my vac (3 min), turn on the filter system (1 sec), and walk away - it's awsome!!! This little vacuum even handled our pool opening this year, which included a large number of leaves and a ton of very fine particles. Unlike the super expensive Pool Rover, this vacuum does not move systematically around the pool to clean in a specific period of time. It moves in ever-widening circles, then goes straight for a bit and starts circling again. It can be a little vexing to see it turn just before it gets to something that you want it to vacuum up, but if you give it time, it will get everything. We put ours in and let in run for about an hour, when we come back the pool looks great! Aqua Bug, Wanda the Whale, and Diver Dave are all the same vacuum with different housings.
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