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Échelle de sécurité Confer protection antiroulis en cadre en A
Photo à titre d'illustration seulement. Les produits, prix et la disponibilité peuvent varier d'un magasin à l'autre.
N° article fournisseur: 7200
  • Description
  • Documentation
  • Avis (18)

Design contemporain esthétiquement plaisant dans une belle couleur gris chaud. Montage facile avec un minimum de matériel et s'ajuste aux piscines de 48 à 56 pouces de hauteur.


Échelle de sécurité protection antiroulis avec cadre en forme de A pour piscines hors terres

Caractéristiques principales

  • Design contemporain esthétique avec six marches.
  • Larges marches de confort de 5 x 18 pouces de large
  • Barres latérales incurvées conçues pour être solides
  • Les rails latéraux intérieurs comprennent des barrières latérales intégrées pour empêcher l'accès derrière l'échelle.
  • Montage facile avec un minimum de matériel. Il suffit de remplir les rails latéraux d'eau pour éviter qu'ils ne flottent ; pas besoin de sable ni de briques.
  • S'adapte aux piscines de 48 à 54 pouces de hauteur et aux sièges de piscine jusqu'à 14 pouces de largeur.
  • Barrière roulante verrouillable (verrou inclus)
  • Plate-forme supérieure extra large
  • Ne pas utiliser avec des piscines gonflables ou à parois souples.
  • Limite de poids de 300 lbs
  • Hauteur de l'échelle 80 pouces
  • Largeur de la marche 18 pouces

Garantie du produit : Garantie du fabricant de 5 ans au prorata.

Couverture de la garantie : Les échelles Confer à cadre en A bénéficient d'une garantie du fabricant de 5 ans. Le fabricant garantit ses échelles contre les défauts de fabrication et de matériaux. Cette garantie sera annulée si cette échelle est endommagée à la suite d'une installation ou d'une utilisation incorrecte, ou si les dommages sont dus à la glace. L'échelle doit être retirée de la piscine et stockée dans un endroit sec pour l'hiver. Ne pas utiliser avec des piscines gonflables ou à parois souples.

Introduire une demande de garantie : Pour commencer une réclamation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected] avec une photo montrant le(s) défaut(s)/dommage(s) de votre échelle Confer A-Frame et inclure une brève explication de ce qui s'est passé.

Avis 4,72/5 (18)

Kendall M     |    July 11, 2023

Good ladder but lock does not work.

Carmine D     |    May 27, 2023

Great sturdy ladder, was fairly simple to install. Just started using it, so far so good, really happy with quality and this purchase. Originally shipping was taking a while but after contacting customer service they explained the reason and kept following with updates. Great customer service and would recommend this ladder

Doug R     |    August 30, 2022

Great pool ladder.Easy assembly.Worth the cost

PAUL S     |    August 29, 2022

Ladder was excellent and easy to put together

Danene C     |    September 13, 2021

Love it , so happy we got it

Rita W     |    August 5, 2021

We like it because it doesn’t take up half the pool and the safety feature of rolling it up is great.

Caroline R     |    August 3, 2021

Perfect !!!!!

Dustin D     |    October 10, 2020

Great ladder! Keeps the kids out!!!

Emma D     |    June 22, 2019

SylvieCloutier     |    October 9, 2018

Superbe échelle. Le problème que j'appréhendais c'est produit lorsque le temps sortir l'échelle pour l'hivernage. Il faudrait des trous avec bouchons au bas des pattes pour évacuer l'eau afin de la rendre plus légèrete. Very heavy to get out of the pool for winterize. But good product

Robert Proulx     |    June 25, 2018

This ladder for the cost is excellent. We operate a salt water pool and it is almost all heavy duty plastic that does not create a problem with rusting hardware as with the previous ladder. The manufacturer has put a lot of thought into its design and construction which to us makes it probably one of the best ladders available for above ground pools by far and would highly recommend it. Assembly is very easy and I even thought it might not be sturdy enough with what attachment to the pool there is but turns out more than adequate. Sliding step lock system is very good in design and makes it easy for locking to keep anyone from using ladder to get into the pool. Most happy, thanks

mike     |    May 28, 2017

Good instruction, well made, very easy to assemble

Charlie T     |    June 3, 2014

This is by far the best safety ladder on the market. I have 5 Grandchildren all below 7 so safety around the pool is #1. When the ladder is locked you have a good feeling. Ordered it on Tuesday and it was at my door in Nova Scotia on Thursday morning. Instructions are excellent put it together in lass than 1 hour.

Beth     |    April 14, 2014

I wanted a bigger, more sturdy ladder for my Wife and Kids. This will easily clear a 5 foot high wall, is nice and wide with a big top deck. The item arrived in 2 days (fast!) and I went to work on it on Sunday afternoon. I read the instructions all the way through before starting anything, and it could not have been easier. It does take 1 to 2 hours to build it up, but it was pretty simple and the directions are clear. I would not hesitate to buy this piece, or from this company again.

Richard     |    April 14, 2014

I received this a wasy able to put it together fairly quickly. The only impediment to this is the extra plastic in the kiey holes for the steps, it has to be cut out before assembling the steps - it is quite thick. That was the only thing that slowed doen construction. A sharpe thin knife and a screedriver is all you need for assembly. Also the ladder needs to be on a firm surface - like all the others. But, climbing up is easier and there is plenty of room at the top of the ladder to turn around if you desire to.

JordanCWT     |    March 10, 2014

Helps to block the kids and pets off, could be cheaper but for the quality and durability it holds up to expectations.

Kay     |    March 2, 2014

Best ladder out there for sure! We're in a neighbourhood full of kids and even with the fence around the yard and locking gate we still want to make sure no one can get into our pool without our knowledge. We can lock this ladder up and know no little feet are going to be climbing into our pool when we aren't home. We also have a pool alarm that alerts us to motion in the water. You can never be too safe with a bunch of kids around.

Wendy H     |    February 24, 2014

I have an above ground pool along with 4 busy children. I really like this for the roll down safety guard option. I can make sure the pool is off limits and not have to worry about possible accidents.

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Échelle de sécurité Confer protection antiroulis en cadre en A


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  • Description
  • Documentation
  • Avis (18)

Design contemporain esthétiquement plaisant dans une belle couleur gris chaud. Montage facile avec un minimum de matériel et s'ajuste aux piscines de 48 à 56 pouces de hauteur.


Échelle de sécurité protection antiroulis avec cadre en forme de A pour piscines hors terres

Caractéristiques principales

  • Design contemporain esthétique avec six marches.
  • Larges marches de confort de 5 x 18 pouces de large
  • Barres latérales incurvées conçues pour être solides
  • Les rails latéraux intérieurs comprennent des barrières latérales intégrées pour empêcher l'accès derrière l'échelle.
  • Montage facile avec un minimum de matériel. Il suffit de remplir les rails latéraux d'eau pour éviter qu'ils ne flottent ; pas besoin de sable ni de briques.
  • S'adapte aux piscines de 48 à 54 pouces de hauteur et aux sièges de piscine jusqu'à 14 pouces de largeur.
  • Barrière roulante verrouillable (verrou inclus)
  • Plate-forme supérieure extra large
  • Ne pas utiliser avec des piscines gonflables ou à parois souples.
  • Limite de poids de 300 lbs
  • Hauteur de l'échelle 80 pouces
  • Largeur de la marche 18 pouces

Garantie du produit : Garantie du fabricant de 5 ans au prorata.

Couverture de la garantie : Les échelles Confer à cadre en A bénéficient d'une garantie du fabricant de 5 ans. Le fabricant garantit ses échelles contre les défauts de fabrication et de matériaux. Cette garantie sera annulée si cette échelle est endommagée à la suite d'une installation ou d'une utilisation incorrecte, ou si les dommages sont dus à la glace. L'échelle doit être retirée de la piscine et stockée dans un endroit sec pour l'hiver. Ne pas utiliser avec des piscines gonflables ou à parois souples.

Introduire une demande de garantie : Pour commencer une réclamation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected] avec une photo montrant le(s) défaut(s)/dommage(s) de votre échelle Confer A-Frame et inclure une brève explication de ce qui s'est passé.

Avis 4,72/5 (18)

Kendall M     |    July 11, 2023

Good ladder but lock does not work.

Carmine D     |    May 27, 2023

Great sturdy ladder, was fairly simple to install. Just started using it, so far so good, really happy with quality and this purchase. Originally shipping was taking a while but after contacting customer service they explained the reason and kept following with updates. Great customer service and would recommend this ladder

Doug R     |    August 30, 2022

Great pool ladder.Easy assembly.Worth the cost

PAUL S     |    August 29, 2022

Ladder was excellent and easy to put together

Danene C     |    September 13, 2021

Love it , so happy we got it

Rita W     |    August 5, 2021

We like it because it doesn’t take up half the pool and the safety feature of rolling it up is great.

Caroline R     |    August 3, 2021

Perfect !!!!!

Dustin D     |    October 10, 2020

Great ladder! Keeps the kids out!!!

Emma D     |    June 22, 2019

SylvieCloutier     |    October 9, 2018

Superbe échelle. Le problème que j'appréhendais c'est produit lorsque le temps sortir l'échelle pour l'hivernage. Il faudrait des trous avec bouchons au bas des pattes pour évacuer l'eau afin de la rendre plus légèrete. Very heavy to get out of the pool for winterize. But good product

Robert Proulx     |    June 25, 2018

This ladder for the cost is excellent. We operate a salt water pool and it is almost all heavy duty plastic that does not create a problem with rusting hardware as with the previous ladder. The manufacturer has put a lot of thought into its design and construction which to us makes it probably one of the best ladders available for above ground pools by far and would highly recommend it. Assembly is very easy and I even thought it might not be sturdy enough with what attachment to the pool there is but turns out more than adequate. Sliding step lock system is very good in design and makes it easy for locking to keep anyone from using ladder to get into the pool. Most happy, thanks

mike     |    May 28, 2017

Good instruction, well made, very easy to assemble

Charlie T     |    June 3, 2014

This is by far the best safety ladder on the market. I have 5 Grandchildren all below 7 so safety around the pool is #1. When the ladder is locked you have a good feeling. Ordered it on Tuesday and it was at my door in Nova Scotia on Thursday morning. Instructions are excellent put it together in lass than 1 hour.

Beth     |    April 14, 2014

I wanted a bigger, more sturdy ladder for my Wife and Kids. This will easily clear a 5 foot high wall, is nice and wide with a big top deck. The item arrived in 2 days (fast!) and I went to work on it on Sunday afternoon. I read the instructions all the way through before starting anything, and it could not have been easier. It does take 1 to 2 hours to build it up, but it was pretty simple and the directions are clear. I would not hesitate to buy this piece, or from this company again.

Richard     |    April 14, 2014

I received this a wasy able to put it together fairly quickly. The only impediment to this is the extra plastic in the kiey holes for the steps, it has to be cut out before assembling the steps - it is quite thick. That was the only thing that slowed doen construction. A sharpe thin knife and a screedriver is all you need for assembly. Also the ladder needs to be on a firm surface - like all the others. But, climbing up is easier and there is plenty of room at the top of the ladder to turn around if you desire to.

JordanCWT     |    March 10, 2014

Helps to block the kids and pets off, could be cheaper but for the quality and durability it holds up to expectations.

Kay     |    March 2, 2014

Best ladder out there for sure! We're in a neighbourhood full of kids and even with the fence around the yard and locking gate we still want to make sure no one can get into our pool without our knowledge. We can lock this ladder up and know no little feet are going to be climbing into our pool when we aren't home. We also have a pool alarm that alerts us to motion in the water. You can never be too safe with a bunch of kids around.

Wendy H     |    February 24, 2014

I have an above ground pool along with 4 busy children. I really like this for the roll down safety guard option. I can make sure the pool is off limits and not have to worry about possible accidents.

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Échelle de sécurité Confer protection antiroulis en cadre en A 499,99$