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Robot nettoyeur de piscine Dolphin Explorer E20
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N° article fournisseur: 99996148XP
  • Description
  • Documentation
  • Avis (37)
  • Vidéos

Le Dolphin Explorer E 20 est le robot de vos rêves à un budget abordable. Ce robot léger, petit mais puissant est idéal pour tous les types de petites piscines hors-sol et creusées - et il nettoie à la fois le fond et les parois de la piscine ! Sa brosse active tourne à une vitesse deux fois supérieure à celle du robot, ce qui permet de nettoyer toutes les surfaces en éliminant rapidement les algues, la saleté et les bactéries.

Nom du produit :
Robot nettoyeur de piscine Dolphin Explorer E20
Code du produit :
Nettoie les surfaces de la piscine :
Vinyle, tuile, béton, fibre de verre*.
Cycles de nettoyage :
2 heures
Type de filtre:
Filtration des débris fins :
Filtre à débris ultra-fins :
Vendu séparément (Cliquez ici pour commander)
Longueur de la corde :
50 pieds
Chariot de transport :
Garantie :
2 ans

Le Dolphin Explorer E 20 est le robot de vos rêves à un budget abordable. Ce robot léger, petit mais puissant est idéal pour tous les types de petites piscines hors-sol et creusées - et il nettoie à la fois le fond et les parois de la piscine ! Sa brosse active tourne à une vitesse deux fois supérieure à celle du robot, ce qui permet de nettoyer toutes les surfaces en éliminant rapidement les algues, la saleté et les bactéries.

Caractéristiques :

  • Pour les piscines d'une longueur maximale de 33 pieds
  • Panier en filet facile à nettoyer
  • Fonctionnement super efficace
  • S'installe en quelques minutes, sans outils ni tuyaux.
  • Nettoie toutes les surfaces jusqu'à la ligne d'eau
  • Il ne pèse que 14,3 livres!

Comprend une garantie du fabricant de 2 ans. *Veuillez noter que les robots nettoyeurs ne sont pas garantis pour nettoyer parfaitement autour des obstacles tels que les escaliers, les canalisations principales et les rebords de sécurité. Il se peut que le robot nettoyeur ne puisse pas monter une pente droite de 90 degrés.

Couverture de la garantie : Les nettoyeurs de piscine robotisés Dolphin bénéficient d'une garantie limitée de 2 ans du fabricant. Le fabricant garantit ce nettoyeur contre les défauts de fabrication et de matériaux. Cette garantie sera annulée si l'équipement utilisé pour faire fonctionner ce nettoyeur n'est pas compatible. La garantie ne couvre pas les frais d'expédition pour faire réparer le nettoyeur, le coût de l'eau ou des produits chimiques perdus, ou tout autre dommage pouvant survenir.

Introduire une demande de réclamation :Pour déposer une réclamation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected] avec une photo montrant le(s) défaut(s)/dommage(s) de votre Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner et inclure une brève explication de ce qui s'est passé.

Avis 4,89/5 (37)

Trevor James     |    July 28, 2024

Incredible product, great value for money.

Aiser K     |    September 17, 2023

I was disappointed for the efficiency it doesn’t take all the dirt The plastic brush is so soft it can’t clean everything

Mike T     |    September 5, 2023

Good so far. My second Dolfin, that should suffice.

Sheri C     |    August 10, 2023

We bought this pool cleaner this Summer after researching and it has worked great! Why pay for extra features that you won't use. Easy to set up, use, clean afterwards and store. It does a great job cleaning our pool including the bottom, most of the sides (doesn't always get into the curves) and will even go onto the bottom step at times. The cord is not long enough though. I will be purchasing the fine filter basket and stand next year. I hope this cleaner last for years!

Jean-Benoit B     |    June 4, 2023

Anthony G     |    February 22, 2023

Great purchase, easily cleans our 16x32 pool, just drop it in and let it go.

Louis B     |    September 1, 2022

Works just fine !

Root66     |    August 18, 2022

Life changing. We have a lot of gardens surrounding our pool so debris ends up in the pool daily. This thing does a great job of cruising around and collecting everything. Sometimes I have to turn it on for a second cycle but pushing a button is way easier than manually vacuuming for sure. Wish I had invested in one years ago!

Adam Z     |    July 31, 2022

Amazing pool vacuum. We have a lip that goes around our pool around the deep end, the dolphin goes around that and still climbs the walls with ease. Does a fantastic job cleaning, very simple to use an awesome that it has a timer so you just have to set it and forget it

Sigal S     |    July 29, 2022

The pool cleaner is great! Very easy to operate and clean. Make sure not to leave the panel exposed to sn on hot days!

Ajaypaul C     |    June 20, 2022

Lorne B     |    June 8, 2022

Excellent unit. Just plug in and go. Only drawback is the unit has a hard time with the pool steps. Otherwise does a bang up job !

Dane W     |    May 30, 2022

Works great

Lorne B     |    May 22, 2022

Excellent unit. Just plug in and go. Only drawback is the unit has a hard time with the pool steps. Otherwise does a bang up job !

Greg T     |    September 21, 2021

Good machine. I have an inground Roman shaped pool that is 32x18 and does a good job cleaning. It sure helps in avoiding the vacuuming!!

Dallas M     |    July 28, 2021

It works great

April F     |    July 28, 2021

Our first robot pool cleaner and we love it. Easy set up, your teenagers could do it. Big storm the other night and we woke up to a lot of mulch blown in the pool, couple hours and you would of never known. Amazing cleaner

Gary D     |    July 16, 2021

Works very well so far

Frank C     |    July 7, 2021

Maureen C     |    July 5, 2021

D     |    July 2, 2021

Fantastic. My new best friend :-).... Does a great job, goes in every corner and leaves the pool sparkling clean. Highly recommend.

jocelyn s     |    June 7, 2021

So far!!! the best purchase for the pool yet!

John S     |    May 31, 2021

Excellent does a grate job

Kevin F     |    May 25, 2021

Best purchase ever. If you have a pool, a Dolphin Product is a must have.

Rob A     |    November 1, 2020


Alexander S     |    August 30, 2020

Very good product. I really recommend it.

Megan M     |    July 24, 2020

Love it! Roz the Robot has taken over a job I hate. No more hassles with the hose, the pole, the vacuum head. No more standing in the hot sun on the edge of the pool for hours. The robot is easy to hook up and she takes care of it.

Stephane K     |    July 20, 2020

After my Evac Pro died, searched around and found this model. The price was great compared to brick and mortar stores and it delivered in 2 days. Works perfectly fine and is very light so easy to handle for everyone. Will purchase my pool supplies from here from now on.

Randall W     |    July 10, 2020

Works very well including the walls right up to the water line. Filter basket is easy to clean.

Valerie L     |    July 8, 2020

Very satisfied! Not perfect, but for the price, I am very happy with the result. Light, easy to clean and to use. My pool is rectangular 16x32, 2 levels, and it worked great!

Anthony     |    July 3, 2020

One of the best pool purchases we've made. Simply start "Robo", and come back an hour or so later to a spotless pool. Our pool has never been this clean before. Real time saver.

Julia M     |    June 9, 2020

Vince G     |    June 5, 2020

Product works great easy to to operate and hook it up, place it in the water and let it cycle run through easy to used

Cindy Z     |    May 22, 2020

We love our new robot. Our pool is kidney shaped but it managed to clean it well

Marc G     |    May 4, 2020

We used this weekend and it is amazing.

Ahmad A     |    June 16, 2019

Sara Boutin     |    August 19, 2018

Awesome! Should have bought it years ago when we first bought the pool!

David     |    July 17, 2018

Great little cleaner, especially for the price you cant beat it! Does a great job cleaning my 15 x 30 oval onground, misses just a couple spots but repeat cycles usually clears them up.

Loni     |    July 11, 2018

I would rate this cleaner as good, but not great. The price is definitely right for an automatic pool cleaner. The power cord is a little short for a regular sized pool like mine, so I have to use an extension cord to get the control box to the poolside. It might be great for a rectangular pool, but with my kidney-shaped pool it misses some strips when climbing the slopes of the deep end. It is easy to use, and easy to clean. Ultimately, using a cleaner like this one is a life-changer compared to manual cleaning. The performance of this unit is ok, but I suspect there are better performers...I'm just not sure the price jump would be worth it. If you're looking for a good starter robotic cleaner, I would recommend this one.

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Robot nettoyeur de piscine Dolphin Explorer E20


ou financement disponible avec Financière Fairstone. En savoir plus

Astuce Pro!

Important: Please note that while robotic cleaners are designed for a wide variety of pool surfaces, some fixtures such as main drains may impede their movement. Contact our service team for more details!
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Prévoir 2 à 3 jours ouvrables. Pour les régions éloignées, prévoir un délai supplémentaire.

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Payez ce produit avec l’un de nos plans de financement, offerts par Financière Fairstone.

Voir les détails

  • Description
  • Documentation
  • Avis (37)
  • Vidéos

Le Dolphin Explorer E 20 est le robot de vos rêves à un budget abordable. Ce robot léger, petit mais puissant est idéal pour tous les types de petites piscines hors-sol et creusées - et il nettoie à la fois le fond et les parois de la piscine ! Sa brosse active tourne à une vitesse deux fois supérieure à celle du robot, ce qui permet de nettoyer toutes les surfaces en éliminant rapidement les algues, la saleté et les bactéries.

Nom du produit :
Robot nettoyeur de piscine Dolphin Explorer E20
Code du produit :
Nettoie les surfaces de la piscine :
Vinyle, tuile, béton, fibre de verre*.
Cycles de nettoyage :
2 heures
Type de filtre:
Filtration des débris fins :
Filtre à débris ultra-fins :
Vendu séparément (Cliquez ici pour commander)
Longueur de la corde :
50 pieds
Chariot de transport :
Garantie :
2 ans

Le Dolphin Explorer E 20 est le robot de vos rêves à un budget abordable. Ce robot léger, petit mais puissant est idéal pour tous les types de petites piscines hors-sol et creusées - et il nettoie à la fois le fond et les parois de la piscine ! Sa brosse active tourne à une vitesse deux fois supérieure à celle du robot, ce qui permet de nettoyer toutes les surfaces en éliminant rapidement les algues, la saleté et les bactéries.

Caractéristiques :

  • Pour les piscines d'une longueur maximale de 33 pieds
  • Panier en filet facile à nettoyer
  • Fonctionnement super efficace
  • S'installe en quelques minutes, sans outils ni tuyaux.
  • Nettoie toutes les surfaces jusqu'à la ligne d'eau
  • Il ne pèse que 14,3 livres!

Comprend une garantie du fabricant de 2 ans. *Veuillez noter que les robots nettoyeurs ne sont pas garantis pour nettoyer parfaitement autour des obstacles tels que les escaliers, les canalisations principales et les rebords de sécurité. Il se peut que le robot nettoyeur ne puisse pas monter une pente droite de 90 degrés.

Couverture de la garantie : Les nettoyeurs de piscine robotisés Dolphin bénéficient d'une garantie limitée de 2 ans du fabricant. Le fabricant garantit ce nettoyeur contre les défauts de fabrication et de matériaux. Cette garantie sera annulée si l'équipement utilisé pour faire fonctionner ce nettoyeur n'est pas compatible. La garantie ne couvre pas les frais d'expédition pour faire réparer le nettoyeur, le coût de l'eau ou des produits chimiques perdus, ou tout autre dommage pouvant survenir.

Introduire une demande de réclamation :Pour déposer une réclamation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected] avec une photo montrant le(s) défaut(s)/dommage(s) de votre Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner et inclure une brève explication de ce qui s'est passé.

Avis 4,89/5 (37)

Trevor James     |    July 28, 2024

Incredible product, great value for money.

Aiser K     |    September 17, 2023

I was disappointed for the efficiency it doesn’t take all the dirt The plastic brush is so soft it can’t clean everything

Mike T     |    September 5, 2023

Good so far. My second Dolfin, that should suffice.

Sheri C     |    August 10, 2023

We bought this pool cleaner this Summer after researching and it has worked great! Why pay for extra features that you won't use. Easy to set up, use, clean afterwards and store. It does a great job cleaning our pool including the bottom, most of the sides (doesn't always get into the curves) and will even go onto the bottom step at times. The cord is not long enough though. I will be purchasing the fine filter basket and stand next year. I hope this cleaner last for years!

Jean-Benoit B     |    June 4, 2023

Anthony G     |    February 22, 2023

Great purchase, easily cleans our 16x32 pool, just drop it in and let it go.

Louis B     |    September 1, 2022

Works just fine !

Root66     |    August 18, 2022

Life changing. We have a lot of gardens surrounding our pool so debris ends up in the pool daily. This thing does a great job of cruising around and collecting everything. Sometimes I have to turn it on for a second cycle but pushing a button is way easier than manually vacuuming for sure. Wish I had invested in one years ago!

Adam Z     |    July 31, 2022

Amazing pool vacuum. We have a lip that goes around our pool around the deep end, the dolphin goes around that and still climbs the walls with ease. Does a fantastic job cleaning, very simple to use an awesome that it has a timer so you just have to set it and forget it

Sigal S     |    July 29, 2022

The pool cleaner is great! Very easy to operate and clean. Make sure not to leave the panel exposed to sn on hot days!

Ajaypaul C     |    June 20, 2022

Lorne B     |    June 8, 2022

Excellent unit. Just plug in and go. Only drawback is the unit has a hard time with the pool steps. Otherwise does a bang up job !

Dane W     |    May 30, 2022

Works great

Lorne B     |    May 22, 2022

Excellent unit. Just plug in and go. Only drawback is the unit has a hard time with the pool steps. Otherwise does a bang up job !

Greg T     |    September 21, 2021

Good machine. I have an inground Roman shaped pool that is 32x18 and does a good job cleaning. It sure helps in avoiding the vacuuming!!

Dallas M     |    July 28, 2021

It works great

April F     |    July 28, 2021

Our first robot pool cleaner and we love it. Easy set up, your teenagers could do it. Big storm the other night and we woke up to a lot of mulch blown in the pool, couple hours and you would of never known. Amazing cleaner

Gary D     |    July 16, 2021

Works very well so far

Frank C     |    July 7, 2021

Maureen C     |    July 5, 2021

D     |    July 2, 2021

Fantastic. My new best friend :-).... Does a great job, goes in every corner and leaves the pool sparkling clean. Highly recommend.

jocelyn s     |    June 7, 2021

So far!!! the best purchase for the pool yet!

John S     |    May 31, 2021

Excellent does a grate job

Kevin F     |    May 25, 2021

Best purchase ever. If you have a pool, a Dolphin Product is a must have.

Rob A     |    November 1, 2020


Alexander S     |    August 30, 2020

Very good product. I really recommend it.

Megan M     |    July 24, 2020

Love it! Roz the Robot has taken over a job I hate. No more hassles with the hose, the pole, the vacuum head. No more standing in the hot sun on the edge of the pool for hours. The robot is easy to hook up and she takes care of it.

Stephane K     |    July 20, 2020

After my Evac Pro died, searched around and found this model. The price was great compared to brick and mortar stores and it delivered in 2 days. Works perfectly fine and is very light so easy to handle for everyone. Will purchase my pool supplies from here from now on.

Randall W     |    July 10, 2020

Works very well including the walls right up to the water line. Filter basket is easy to clean.

Valerie L     |    July 8, 2020

Very satisfied! Not perfect, but for the price, I am very happy with the result. Light, easy to clean and to use. My pool is rectangular 16x32, 2 levels, and it worked great!

Anthony     |    July 3, 2020

One of the best pool purchases we've made. Simply start "Robo", and come back an hour or so later to a spotless pool. Our pool has never been this clean before. Real time saver.

Julia M     |    June 9, 2020

Vince G     |    June 5, 2020

Product works great easy to to operate and hook it up, place it in the water and let it cycle run through easy to used

Cindy Z     |    May 22, 2020

We love our new robot. Our pool is kidney shaped but it managed to clean it well

Marc G     |    May 4, 2020

We used this weekend and it is amazing.

Ahmad A     |    June 16, 2019

Sara Boutin     |    August 19, 2018

Awesome! Should have bought it years ago when we first bought the pool!

David     |    July 17, 2018

Great little cleaner, especially for the price you cant beat it! Does a great job cleaning my 15 x 30 oval onground, misses just a couple spots but repeat cycles usually clears them up.

Loni     |    July 11, 2018

I would rate this cleaner as good, but not great. The price is definitely right for an automatic pool cleaner. The power cord is a little short for a regular sized pool like mine, so I have to use an extension cord to get the control box to the poolside. It might be great for a rectangular pool, but with my kidney-shaped pool it misses some strips when climbing the slopes of the deep end. It is easy to use, and easy to clean. Ultimately, using a cleaner like this one is a life-changer compared to manual cleaning. The performance of this unit is ok, but I suspect there are better performers...I'm just not sure the price jump would be worth it. If you're looking for a good starter robotic cleaner, I would recommend this one.

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Robot nettoyeur de piscine Dolphin Explorer E20 999,99$