Winter is now behind us, and the melting snow reveals your well-protected spa in the backyard. Just thinking about a nice hydrotherapy session has you feeling more relaxed, but don’t put on your bathing suit just yet; before you can relax, you first need to open your spa!
Here are the 4 steps you will need to follow to complete your spa opening.
First, you’ll want to remove the protective cover.
Inspect it for holes or cracks, which could compromise its usefulness come next winter. Fold it.
Remove the spa cover and set it aside.
You can also remove the polystyrene spa closing block in the middle of the spa.
Store the spa cover and the bloc in a dry place. Now that the inside of your spa is unobstructed,
Inspect it to ensure that everything is in its proper place.
Make sure that all the jets are still in the OPEN position. Since you used antifreeze when you closed your spa, you’ll first need to pre-fill it in order to dilute the antifreeze in the water.
During the pre-filling phase, start by removing the skimmer’s lid and place the garden hose directly into the skimmer drain. It is recommended that you do so to prevent air bubbles from forming inside the spa plumbing, which could impair the proper functioning of the spa. While you’re waiting for the water to fill, you can use this time to clean the cabinet.
Rub the cleaning product using a soft cloth.
Once the neck jets are fully submerged in the water, approximately 1 inch below the headrests, you can stop filling, then replace the skimmer’s door.
Start up your spa. You must first turn on the indoor and outdoor circuit breakers.
Once the control panel is operational, turn on the pumps to circulate the water in the spa.
Allow running for one cycle. Now’s a good time to check your spa’s technical components for leaks.
Remove the cabinet panel and make sure the couplers are airtight.
If the couplers are leaking, tighten them by hand. Use plumbing pliers if needed. You will now be able to use your spa with complete peace of mind.
After 1 cycle, all the antifreeze in the spa’s plumbing will be mixed in with the water. Since you want your water base to be as clean as possible, you’ll need to drain this mixture of water and antifreeze from the spa.
As is the case each time you drain your spa, you must first turn off the circuit breaker.
There are two methods for draining the spa:
by gravity; it’s the lengthiest method.
by using a submersible pump; it’s the most efficient method.
Draining by gravity is done directly through the spa drain. To proceed,
You must first locate the spa drain. It is typically found at the bottom, either opposite the console or on the right corner of the spa.
Remove the drainage plug then screw in the garden hose.
Once your hose is connected, unscrew the ring of the drain or pull on the garden hose to activate the water flow in the drain.
You should feel the water pressure in the hose.
It should take approximately 4 to 6 hours to empty out all the water. Once your spa is empty, you’ll need to replace the drain plug before you can start refilling the spa.
If you have access to a submersible pump, draining the spa will be much quicker.
You simply need to gently lower the submersible pump at the bottom of the spa and position the drain hose where you need it.
Turn on the pump.
Depending on the pumping force, it will take on average 30 minutes to drain the spa.
ATTENTION: Make sure you stay close by to prevent the pump from running dry.
Regardless of the drainage method used, it’s normal for some water to remain at the bottom of the spa and on the seats.
We recommend you soak up the excess water using a towel. It’s now time to fill your spa with the water you will swim in.
The spa’s motors will start, and the sensors will automatically detect that the water temperature is not warm enough. The heater will turn on.
Before closing the cover to allow the spa water to warm up, take a 500 ml sample of water and bring it to the service counter of your local Club Piscine Super Fitness store to have it tested free of charge.
Our specialist will recommend the ideal sanitizing products to help you obtain clean and balanced water as quickly as possible.
This concludes the opening of your spa! Once you’re back at home, all you need to do is implement these recommendations and wait for the water to reach the desired temperature before you can finally start relaxing!
If you have questions, require additional information on how to open your spa, or if you wish to entrust the task to an expert, please feel free to contact your local Club Piscine Super Fitness store. We will be more than happy to assist you!
See you next time!
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