With warm weather comes more time in the pool, but also comes with more risks of drowning. In an attempt to reduce the risks involved, the government has decided to end the acquired right of the owners of pools built before November 1st, 2010 who were not required to comply with the Regulation on protective measures. These changes will have to be applied as of July 1st, 2023.
1. All residential pools must be fenced to maintain "a minimum distance of one metre, not only between the above-ground pool and the filtration system, but also between the same pool and any fixed structure or equipment that could be used to climb over the wall.”1
2. Regarding mesh fencing, it is forbidden to install such fencing if the mesh size exceeds 30 mm. For existing fences with mesh widths greater than 30 mm, owners must insert vertical slats to provide additional safety.
3. In an attempt to limit the large number of cervical spinal cord injuries, all diving boards shall comply with the BNQ 9461-100/2009 standard.
It is important to note that your municipality might have adopted additional measures to be respected. We therefore invite to you to be properly informed before installing your swimming pool.
1Source: Brief from the Institut national de la santé du Québec (INSPG) - https://www.inspq.qc.ca/sites/default/files/publications/2737-projet-reglement-securite-piscines-residentielles.pdf