Your Wellness Corner prepared you a Tabata training that will make you work hard in record time!
Before getting started, here is what you need to know.
What is Tabata training?
The Tabata method was created by a doctor with the same last name, to coach the national speed skating team for the Olympic Games in the 1990s.
The Tabata method can be explained as quickly as it can be performed:
20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of recuperation, repeated 8 times for a total training of 4 minutes. (Passeport Santé, 2020)
Why should you use this method?
Are you the type of person that lacks time to train? ;) The Tabata approach will change the way you view physical training!
According to a study from Auburn University, it takes 20 minutes of standard cardio exercise (the equivalent of a speed walk) to burn the same number of calories as a 4-minute Tabata training…
Only 4 minutes?
We are convinced that now, you are even more motivated to work out! ;)
That’s not all! The best advantage of this method is that you can exercise ANYWHERE.
Between two meetings, at the office or home. You can work out whenever you want
The Tabata method can even be included in any sport:
Another bonus…you continue to burn fat after your workout!
Are you ready to bring your training sessions to a whole new level?
A complete 8-minute session for your glutes
Your Wellness Corner emphasizes the importance of self-care and surpassing yourself while having fun!
Looking for a bigger challenge?
BONUS! A 4-minute Tabata session to work the whole body!
This time use the weights on your wrists and combine the two workouts for maximum results!
What you will need:
Two ankle weights 5 pounds
A workout mat
A water bottle
Your smile
Passeport Santé. (2020). La méthode Tabata -https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/forme/sport/Fiche.aspx?doc=methode-tabata