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Dimensions 100" 104" 105" 106" 12' 12' x 17' 12' x 24' 120" x 52" x 35" 13" 132" 15' 15' x 26' 15' x 30' 16" x 40" x 27" 18" 18' 18' x 33' 19" 20" 20" x 44" x 34" 21" 21' 24" 24' 27' 28" 30" 32" 35" 36" 38" 39" 40" 42" 44" 45" 47" 48" 55" 56" 57" 59" 59" x 3 6' x 9' 60" 63" 66" 68" 7' x 9,5' 70" 71" 72" 78" 79" 84" 86" 87" 89" 92" Shapes Ovale Rectangulaire Round
